Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Log of Doom

Well, my job is interesting because of the problems I run into these days. Not that I don't at times create some of my own. I grew up with the training from my parents to "cover the base" to prevent problems. When you do that you must account for why you did it, since everyone thinks you want to take their job.

I seem to be in a perpetual zone of "get it done now" you're a day late. Have you been there? Today for example I was logging in to our computer Network Operations log. It was locked due to the previous operator or the system had it "open". So, I can't open the log or place any entries I need to, I can only "read". So, I create the log and place it in the access file and open that so I can do the logging. It worked, so I get through another "crisis" from the MS file management system. Of course, this is set up so you don't have two stations working on a document at the same time. However, if someone has forgotten to close it or the system malfunctions, beware. You are about to enter the MSFT (misfit) zone, if it doesn't work it is because you are a misfit and you shouldn't even be around a computer.

The engineering staff for Microsoft set up job security in a peculiar way and set it up to be a cash cow. Design a system, have a very ambiguous system flaws which require a patch or technician to troubleshoot. Have flash cards to guide the engineer or use a common flowchart navigation of the problems. Voila, money and need for qualified engineering staff. They make it seem happy and the customer is so grateful. Ok, that was facetious, but I do hear people going "Yeah, Yeah, that's it"! No, Microsoft engineering is more competent than that. My friend Victoria, her Brother-In-Law (Renato) works there, he is quite intelligent and is a great middle manager. Great personality and a good Dad.

From Brazil and loves, yep, Soccer. Sorry for Brazil this year. But, Spain won it! Spain? Spaaaain??? "The rain in Spain falls mostly on the plain." This time it was raining mostly in in Brazil! The storm erupted when the team got off the plane at home. I think they took the coach and, oh, wait, this is a "G" rated blog.
To make a long story short the coach is now working on the plains in Spain.

I would never be a coach for the Brazilian team. It is a life or death position. To win is life to lose is well, a lot of pain and excoriation before you are unceremoniously terminated. Recommendation is to leave Brazil as quickly as possible, incognito.

Now this is what it is like to work in the Media. That's radio, TV, Etc...

So now you know what it's like. But, in Media it's great jobs with lots of opportunity. Juuuuust like coaching Brazil. Yeeeah! You get it. You either win, or, the other option is unthinkable. =-)

Thank to all you media types and those at TMZ; Terminally or Tragic Misfit Zombies.
But you do your job stalking the stars well. Makes it legal in the TMZ zone, well, mostly.

So, you either stalk the stars or help producers waiting for your chance. Or, you are one of the "tweens". You are not an engineer nor college educated, but you have your niche and you are the owner of "The Niche". If in that area you may have a job forever, they always keep those tweens.

Get your coffee and get to your niche slave!

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