Wednesday, October 27, 2010


At 50 years old, taking a test seemed very harsh treatment to me. I would consider it elder abuse. Firstly, the one must "think" and assess, as this is the point of the test. It INVOLVES memory. When I think of memories I think of the song with Barbara Streisand. Not the usual mental exercise to recall a hidden factoid in the crevices of the the eternal file pocket called the brain. I even studied, the thing we tell our children to do and that we think we remember doing when we were growing up.

I discovered something today in this, we as people never take tests well. The reason, we are not confident. This must be the key, don't study, be confident. That way, you look good and everyone looks at you like you're smart and prepared. Those 40 and above can get away with this more easily. Well, ok, most of the time. I did my studying but I wasn't satisfied it was enough. It is like money, you always need a little more to accomplish what you wish to achieve. This thought you needed more study hits with a vengeance after you have finished and turned in the test. I know you have been there, don't try to tell me differently.

Fortunately, it is not the final test. Yes there is a final test in the end of it all we are set to go through. The Procter is undeniable and will not respect your name, title, position, wealth or anything. What he wants to see is your truth, what is it from and based in. One question with one answer. Either your truth is right or it is a deception and a lie. No cheating or working your grade on the curve.

The test I took wasn't so bad compared to the one above. Failing the test I took just means I re-take it. The above test, if you fail, it is a permanent end with dark consequences of which there is no turning back. Study The Book, it has all the answers and the one truth which trumps all. It's the way out and it'll lighten your life. No doubt, even if you don't know all the answers, if you know the Headmaster, the test was already administered and you will be excused from this one. Don't need to take the same test twice.


1 comment:

Arthur_of_Old said...

Proctor not procter. Best to leave the mistake and just be human.

Sunrise-Sunset, Moon Phase, time and weather


To shave or not to shave, is that a question!